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UST21 – Connect the Present of the Ocean and the Future of the World Together


전체 11
YEAR 사업명 발주처
YEAR Title Executing organization Main Client
Constructing Data to train AI
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Developing the Technology to Strengthen Response Capabilities in accordance to prevention step of pollution
2021. Korea Coast Guard
Korea Coast Guard
Developing the Technology of Maritime Science Survey around the Coastal Area
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Science Base Agricultural Research- Constructing R&D Center Utilizing Agricultural Satellite Information- Developing the Sy
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Developing Safe Harbor Construction & Management Technique
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Developing the Technology of Smart Maritime Survey & Information Utilization
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ocean Science Research and Prediction Technique Development
2021. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ocean Science Research and Prediction Technique Development
2020. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
Promoting & Supporting ICT Research Center in the University
2019. Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion
Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion
Technology Development Project for Maritime Safety & Transportation Infra Facility
2019. KRISO(Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering affiliated by KIOST(Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
KRISO(Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering affiliated by KIOST(Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology
Promoting & Supporting ICT Research Center in the University
2018. Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion
Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion